Sunday, December 23, 2012

I Procrastinate Because...

  • I'm afraid of it
  • I hate it
  • I'm angry about what's behind it

How about you?  Admitting it is a step towards fixing it.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Public Radio is Classic (I Love It!)

I know it's been around for years and years -- but honestly, it has been years since I have even had access to it for free via an old-fashioned AM/FM radio.

National Public Radio is the greatest thing since sliced bread!

Oh dear, I did just show my chrono-age, didn't I?  LOL

I just discovered today that St. Louis Public Radio 90.7 has apparently picked up the Saturday noon feed of the Metropolitan Opera broadcasts, formerly aired by the late Classic 99 (99.1 FM), which I occasionally still mourn.

I'm not a fan of opera, although maybe I should try to acquire the taste-- for SongPop purposes, if nothing else.  But my late and great-in-her-own-way mother, Alice Elizabeth Hurford Lucas, was an opera fan.

I can remember Saturdays she would have KFUO-FM radio blaring in the kitchen while she did some chore, with that awful screeching in some foreign language.  I was a child and didn't know any better, but that was my perception then.

I'm not sure if I avoided the kitchen to avoid being forced to help with some awful chore like silver polishing, or because the music was just way too loud... or maybe I just didn't think Mom was in her "happy place" -- if she had one.  Who knows?

In December of 2012, with Mom having died in June of 1998, I could only guess that she acquired her love of opera while she was working in "sh-caw-go" for a period of time, living away from her childhood home and loving it.

For me, I'm just glad that I now have one less reason to dislike the new Christian station at 99.1, which one of my favorite Realtors has said that she finds quite enjoyable.

The World Continues...

The humans on this planet got it wrong, didn't they?  Mayans, Aztecs, Oreo-lovers, political pundits... whoever.  All of US.  Glad to still be here.

On a more local note in St. Louis, MO:  the weather guys also got it wrong - again.  No lovely blanket of white to share on Facebook for me.

But let's be fair:  this is not a town for the faint of heart to pursue careers in meteorology.

It's my hope that I shall never complain about a sky this blue and beautiful behind a starkly bare tree, as viewed from my office window.

(Next door neighbor's roof is way less interesting than the people living  there.)

I'm not sure, however, that I will be able to brave the current "23 degrees, feels like 9 degrees" that my internet screen tells me it is outside.

Poor Jack might miss walkies again today.  I still love my treadmill and my National Public Radio shows.

It's All Good.  Very Good.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Thin Line Between Love And Hate

Growing old is a challenge at any age.
Cloudy, overcast and chilly is a challenge for many people's attitudes.
Adjusting to one's first real winter since 2008 is a challenge for ME.

"Holidays are joyful, there's always something new."
"Oh, that we could always see such spirit through the year."
"Dysfunction rears its yuletide head."

Getting a job is a challenge at any age.
Getting a job in St. Louis depends largely on who you know.
Getting a job is going to happen soon for ME.

I love it here.  There are jobs.

I hate it here.  It's cold.

This is my personal least favorite time of year, but I always have secret hopes that this year will be better.

St. Louis is in my blood for several generations, and it shows.
I'm highly changeable, and that's OK.

I'm learning to love myself.  I've always been a late bloomer.  Others are learning to love me, too.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Women's Magazines For Free

Here's something to consider for women out there who are interested in good women's magazines.

I currently subscribe to two of them (both are hardcopy since I am smart-technology-challenged due to income at this time).

Neither of them cost me personally a dime.

The first one is, of course, Oprah or "O" Magazine.  There's a lot of wisdom AND a lot of B.S. and expensive crap I don't need in her pages.

I'm currently in my second subscription of O this time around.  Both of these were two-year subscriptions which I paid for using gift card money on

The second one is called "More" Magazine.  This one, so far, is totally free - but I have no idea when my non-subscription runs out, since it's technically Stu's subscription.

Stu is a master at getting free stuff.

I like MORE more than O at this exact moment.

Since I am an evolving being with a rapidly evolving brain, this comment may have an expiration date.

But in the meantime, ladies, if you like magazines and you like free stuff, check this out:

Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Medium IS The Message

Hello!  Welcome to my new blog.

Those of you who know me personally may want to argue whether I am actually a medium or more like an extra-large.

My latest physician (not a doctor, btw) indicated that my biggest health issue is my obesity.  She then proceeded to give me a lecture on weight management.

I didn't say a word about that.  She didn't deserve a word.

My next biggest health issue (from her computer records which were obviously from 2009 or before - the last time I had seen a medical professional in St. Louis, MO) was my cholesterol.  She insisted that I was currently taking atorvastatin for it.

I told her that I had not taken one of those since very early 2010 and ran out of my St. Louis prescription.  I also told her that I remembered having side effects such as aches and pains.

She didn't listen.  It was almost as though I said nothing, although I know I was emphatic about not wanting the atorvastatin again.

However, I did apparently say enough to her (mostly asking her questions) that she told my husband, also her next appointment, that I was "lovely" and "chatty".

When I was the B&B Lady, I was really good at asking questions of guests without offering an opinion of my own.  It's a form of espionage, IMHO.

The non-doctor, who once worked at a prison and now works at a county health clinic in St. Louis County, left me alone for a few days - until  after she saw my blood work results.

My cholesterol was 238.

Immediately, the landline phone rang here at our house.  The poor person making the call (yes, I shot the messenger) had the misfortune of calling me by half of my given first name.  I believe she also mispronounced my last name.

I bit her head off, figuratively speaking.

I do, however, follow orders.  So I went ahead and made the dietitian appointment that was ordered, as well as meekly agreeing to pick up the medication that was telephoned to my nearest Walgreens, even though I knew it was those awful statin drugs that have given me problems before.

The dietitian was a really nice and smart woman who had lots of time to chat with my husband (who does all the cooking) and me about weight management and cholesterol dietary improvements.  She WAS listening.

She also made a note to let the non-doctor know that I had tried to pay for the statin drugs at Walgreens, and when they had said "that will be $44," I had expressed shock and outrage and possibly shot another messenger at the drive-thru pharmacy window.

The dietitian also listened when I said that I would prefer, in order, to a) modify my diet, and/or b) try a different drug.  She said the non-doctor would probably recommend a different drug and call me.

Meanwhile, Walgreens' computer phoned our landline promptly the following Monday morning indicating that a prescription was ready.  I had to go there for something else anyway, so I asked in person at the pharmacy whether there was a new prescription for me.

Nope - just the $44 one.  I told the pharmacy clerk nicely (she may have been the one from the drive-thru window, so I was extra nice) that she could go ahead and cancel that one.

So far, all my health goals are proceeding well, on my timetable, without any negative interference from others.

My husband has been making us very nutritious and low-cholesterol meals every single night.  He is enjoying the by-product of his own weight loss (although not as fast as he would really like).

I continue to walk 1.2 miles each day with our dog, with an occasional day off for sanity or weather.

I have not yet heard back from the non-doctor, her minions, or Walgreens.

Meanwhile, at a holiday party, a female friend told me that her cholesterol, once over 300, is now 55.  She also indicated that the non-doctor needs to have her eyes examined when I mentioned "obesity."

The other ladies at our table at the party laughed when she said that.

You see?  The Medium IS The Message.

Welcome to The Message Medium.  Enjoy.