Sunday, April 21, 2013

3 Is A Magic Number

I just came back from a walk around the block.  Well, actually, three of them.  If my neighbors didn't think I was crazy before this, they certainly do now.

It's only 0.6 miles around the block here, which is one-half my long route of 1.2, which is 0.1 miles less than my former FL long route of 1.3 CircumVerona (as I used to call it).  But 3 of them puts me at 1.8, which is half a mile longer than around the old Avon Park Lake.  Yes, I'm bragging - or just babbling out of guilt for not doing more walking during the week.

I'm always thrilled when Stu opts to join me and both dogs for a walk.  Sadly, he can't do a whole lot more than the short route these days, since his knees are giving him a lot of pain.  But what he can do, he enjoys doing with his little family.

So, lap #1 around the block was Stu trying to control Tango and me walking Jack easily.  Controlling Tango is no simple task since he is 53 pounds (and still growing) of exuberant puppy with amazingly keen senses.  But he is making great progress, since his retriever part is very eager to please and obey.  The hound part sometimes takes over and provides the challenge for his aging parents (us).

Lap #2 around the block was Tango and me alone.  This is a challenge and a discipline for both of us, but worth undertaking since Tango is "my" dog and I want him to obey me as well as he obeys Stu.  With my natural frenetic energy and difficulty editing my verbal stream of consciousness, Tango probably prefers Stu's energy to mine, but tough.  We're both learning.

Lap #3 around the block was out of fairness to Jack, and was blissfully calm with Jack and me alone.  We encountered a neighbor we've met before with two small dogs on leashes:  one gregarious beagle mix and another, shyer small breed mix.  We visited briefly, the five of us.  Tango would have trampled both little dogs in his exuberance, but Jack was his usual gentle, calm self.  That was nice.

Today marks an anniversary for me.  Three months ago today I started this job.  Technically, I'm out of probation (although I won't be asking for any raises just yet).  This is the longest I have held a paying job since 2008, so I'm happy to celebrate.

My celebration was 1.8 miles of around the block with a few of my favorite beings.  I did one lap for each month of work, then proudly proclaimed to Stu "I think that's enough" on my return.  He agreed.

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